
Couture vs. Cheapskate: Beaded Tribal Sandal

Can you guess which pair of sandals costs $59 vs. $20?

Pair A


Pair B

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As a general rule of thumb, anytime an item has more ornamentation, you can assume that item to be the more expensive option.  Case in point above as Pair A is the $59 pair.

The good news?  Both pair of sandals are affordable and will not cost a month's rent to own.

Truth be told, I actually think I prefer the $20 pair from Target than the pair by DV by Dolce Vita.  I think the beading and thong cut are more dainty and would not make my foot look as flat and wide.  Plus, if I can save $30, that's another pair of sandals!

Mossimo "Palila" Beaded Flat Sandal
$19.99 at Target  To Buy
(I have noticed sandals are currently buy 1, get 1 50% off at Target.com)

I love a detailed sandal because it is such an easy way to add style to an otherwise basic outfit...especially in warmer weather when layers are minimal.

Flats are also a must with a maxi dress.  You know how I love a little unexpected pop of something (in this case beading) hiding waiting to be discovered by the casual onlooker.  These sandals and a maxi dress in red or black are meant to be.  Add in a few tribal-inspired bracelets...even better!

Beaded Tribal Sandal

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